Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Bollinger County Fall Festival 2013

Often when I shoot dozens of photos the best ones get lost among files.  This past weekend I accidentlally pulled out this disk and found these photos from The Bollinger County Fall Festival in 2013.

My heart sank, these photos are stunning (yes I just called my own photography stunning) and they bring me back to that day, a day of complete happiness.

I dream of more days like this, I pray for more photos like this, and I desire for our community to always look like this.

Members of the AhNiYvWiYa in Grassy, Missouri 

The Marching Woodland Cardinals crossing the bridge that use to join Marble Hill to Old Lutesville - we are all just one now! 

Music to our ears - Shots of a Meadow Heights band member.  

A child playing at The Cat Ranch were several participated in a Rendezvous

A couple of Hot Rods out to participate in the parade.

The Woodland Cardinal - with some stylin boots!

A member of our local VFW Post 5900 - Great group of guys! 
Behind him you can see the Grand Marshall riding in the horse and buggy.  

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