Thursday, September 19, 2013

Behind my Lense at Bennett Springs State Park in Lebanon Missouri

 Disclosure:  My visits to Bennett Springs State Park was sponsored by VisitMo & TBW Firm.  However, all thoughts, opinions, and photos are my own.  

While everyone else visit Bennett Springs State Park in Lebanon, Missouri for fishing, I visit to capture the fishermen and fisherwomen.   The true beauty of seeing someone else do something they enjoy!

Start them young, they will learn to love it! 
It will keep them busy for HOURS! 

This is the result of starting them young!  

He is MUCH BRAVER than I am! 

The awe of watching an early morning fish!

My view as I entered the park.

Those who fish together stay together, because they are just that brave. 

Do yo think they were having a serious conversation, or just enjoying each others company?  

I wonder what he was thinking as he reeled in that trout?  

The feeling of being in that cold water at 6am in the morning, dedicated fishers! 

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