Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finding Life in the Midst of Chaos

#farming with PaPa!  Joys of #life!  #lifeisgo...

Our house is mass chaos as we have begun packing and moving home to my parent’s family farm, there must be boxes stacked everywhere I turn.  In the midst of all this, I keep telling myself I should not feel this overflow of pure JOY that keeps bubbling out of me.  I should be sad, but I am not…..I am truly at PEACE with my decision to move back to my roots. 

Yesterday, D-man and I traveled home for a few hours to finish the “business” part of moving back home.  We took a brief break to drive through the cows with PaPa, I glanced over and saw my son grinning ear-to-ear and pure joy beaming out of his eyes.  I thought to myself this is LIFE!
Today we played hooky from packing and decided to attend the Cousin Carl Farm Show in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  PaPa thought the kids might enjoy seeing a few tractors, but I really believe PaPa enjoyed watching the kids see the tractors.  While we climbed around on the tractors, I watched the kids and PaPa interact I realized this is LIFE!    
Big Time #farming .  #funnykids #capegirardeau...

Over this past week, I have truly realized it is not what we have it is how we use what we have.  I have never cared for fancy things, a glamorous lifestyle, but I do realize I have forgotten how special the little things are. 

Happiness is a choice, living a good, life is not the amount of toys you have, and truly tasting the beautiful life we live can be breathtaking.  I am anxious to sip my coffee with my dad on his front porch, I am dying to watch D-man splash in the creek on a warm spring day, and I cannot wait to take Lesse out to pick some wild blackberries. 

Have an Adventurous Day!


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