Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Speak Truth, Life, and Love - the Clothes Dryer

This morning I was listening to the local radio station and they were discussing their "word of the year" - over the past year I have had this urge to speak, but have not been certain where it was coming from.  As I drove past the many open fields and the glorious sunrise - I knew it was God talking to me saying you need to SPEAK and speak about Truth, Life, and Love.

Oh boy here comes the Suzie Sunshine kind of post - well if you know me or have followed me for a minute, you know Suzie Sunshine RARELY comes out.  Truthfully, I have been HIDING my true personality for probably a greater portion of the past year - yup, I have lived fear "what will they think, whose feelings will I hurt"  Smhhhhh  forget that!  I really think that is what God has been telling me - you need to SPEAK from your true identity - you know the one that does not hold back and does not live in fear.

With that said, here is a story of Life and our Clothes Dryer. 

In the picture below you will notice that the front of our clothes dryer says in big bold letter "you must press START for clothes to get dry" for some this is common sense, but in our house it is a real struggle.   

Our clothes dyer only has to 2 settings, not actually, but these are the only settings that seem to work - is the dryer only runs nonstop with the SAME load of laundry in it over and over for like 8 to 10 hours straight or it sits with wet laundry in it for 8 to 10 hours or better without ever being started.

The nonstop with SAME load of laundry in it works like this - if the dryer is running the clothes are still wet, EVEN if we have started the same load of laundry over 10 times for the past 48 hours.  It happens folks, I am telling you it HAPPENS.

The wet laundry sitting for 8 hours or more - this is what we called distracted mode!  You see we put the laundry in the dryer our Snapchat goes off and our world STOPS we wonder off to our room and the dryer never gets started!  

These to clothes drying habits often results in what we call "Momma is gonna Snap mode" especially when it is her clothes sitting there wet for 48 hours plus!

We have not developed a remedy for these issues, nor am I accepting advice for solving the problem, as I know the problem will truly be solved when my kids are grown, my house is empty, and I will miss those soggy stinky clothes or that continuous sound of same load of laundry being dried over and over and over!

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 
1 Corinthians 13:4-7    

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