Holiday Greetings from Our House to Yours
My mailbox is filling up quickly with Holiday Cards, but just like years in the past I am a fail at sending my cards out! I think if you dig through my Christmas boxes you will find many unopened

Life in our house has only gotten busier. Trey and I keep praying for it to slow down, but God keeps opening doors and we can't help but walk through them!
Lesse is almost done with "middle school" as she is entering her final semester of 8th grade! She definitely is our multi-talented child with so much ambition! This past year she played volleyball, softball, basketball, and made all-district band! We are super proud of her academic, sports, and musical accomplishments! Outside of school she has started a tiny little ministry where she is a pen pal with little girls - this has been super fun to watch her write back and forth and share secrets and wisdom with little girls that look up to her! We know that even at her young age Lesse is a leader and God has many plans for her adventurous heart.
D, our little man is finishing his last semester of "elementary" and will enter middle school next year! Momma's baby turned the big 10 this past month, yes Momma cried! D remains our child that stumps us with his quick tongue, unique statements, and never ending curiosity! D opened the door to music by joining Honor Choir this year at his school - we love his passion for music! This past January D made the decision that he wanted to work for God, so he was baptized into the family of God. D has such a servants heart and this year has made huge commitments and sacrifices to be able to give back to his friends and neighbors - including buying his whole class ice cream, just because he cares about them! It is so fun watching D and his giving heart - we know God will use his passion and empathy to do good things!
Trey's life has only gotten crazier as Lesse and D add in extra activities, his truck has become the taxi cab of neighborhood. This year Trey reconnected with an old youth group friend and we as a family had the opportunity to serve in inner city St Louis with Love the Lou - it was great to not only see old friends, but meet new friends and open doors to what we hope to be life long friendships. We are thankful Trey's job has been busy over the past year, God has blessed us well.
As for me, well I am still in college. I keep thinking it is just a few more classes and it is, but seems to take forever! Last year (2016) I transferred departments and am able to remain working in the field of my degree, but with a less crazy schedule! So very thankful for a steady normal schedule and good benefits in my employment. I have also been blessed with being able to serve my community as our local Chamber of Commerce President - such a treat to be able to return my love to the community that loved me and helped mold me as a child.
As for 2018, we do not know where 2018 shall lead us! Trey is considering a run for leadership in our community - we know if it is God's will he will open that door.
If I remain on schedule with my college classes (my advisor gets annoyed as I change it a lot) I should graduate December 2018 - I have had to reduce my class load to be able to parent, work, and serve my community!
We assume our kids will grow another foot or so next year to pass us up and be taller than us, but that will also be left up to God!
We pray you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
Trey, Becky, Lesse, & D
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