Sunday, May 4, 2014

How to use OnStar 4GLTE

(Disclosure:  parts of this trip has been sponsored, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own....I cannot be bought)

Imagine having a mobile office, only you own your mobile office.  Is it possible?  Well this weekend I learned
it is.

Of all the things that I learned or saw this weekend, what truly blew me away was the new technology that OnStar has come out with.  I am familiar with OnStar, in fact my 2007 Chevrolet Silverado came factory installed with it, and I took full advantage of it.

Since 2007 when I first encountered OnStar they have come a long way and now I am extremely impressed with them.  I like the idea of having my own WiFi connection while I am on the go!

Aside from the mobile internet connection, what impressed me about OnStar:

What impressed me  the most was their ability to locate you better than anyone else.  As many of you know, I live in the boondocks, I stand on my front porch, lean out the window, and pray for cell service.  911 address....What is that?   At this point that does not exist in our area, but OnStar can located me!  That is pretty awesome.

I like the GeoFencing, while I am unsure I would ever use it, I do think that it would come in handy when you have young drivers,  or lets face it troubled teens.  

Being able to control your car from your phone, I like that!  It is tough for us women on the go have hard time keeping it all together, but imagine being able to unlock your car from 500 miles away so you child can get their ball gear out of the car....It is possible from OnStar.

Take a few minutes (okay 14 or so) and watch how the OnStar experts went step by step through the process with me.

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1 comment:

  1. The automotive manufacturer focuses on advanced technology, emissions reduction, connected car service, better fuel economy, and innovation.


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