Friday, November 2, 2012

Why Your Business Should Instagram

Come on ride the @Dart..woot woot!  #tmom #ftc...
Come on ride the @Dart..woot woot! #tmom #ftcdallas #dart via beckydavenport

A few weeks back I put up my post What the Heck is Instagramand days later I hopped on an Airplane and was off to Dallas Texas for theFamily Travel Conference only to learn more about Social Networking, and what it can do for you. 

I know we sitting here in the Midwest and Social Networking seems to be just too time consuming.  I get it, I just spent the last 20 minutes scheduling my Tweets, and Facebook status updates for the next week.

Back to Instagram and what it can do for you, Instagram is fabulous, or Facebook wouldn’t have just bought it out.  Now what can it do for you?  Well first make your photos look amazing, I discussed that earlier, share them promptly, but as a local business Instagram can really draw people into your business. 

Example (we are after all the “Show Me State”)  say you are running an Antique Store and you happen to have this fabulous whatever it is come in the store, you can snap a picture of this fabulous item, pick your famous #hashtag, and instantly bomb multiple Social Networks with one click!  Bam!  This makes you a Social Networking Diva or Rockstar!   Instagrammarks the location, you can gain follower, and guess what you can carry on a conversation…..that is just too fabulous for me! 

Now what if you are not an amazing little Antique Store, well what if you were a clothing store, a jewelry store, a bakery…some of my most famous photos are food!  It does not matter who you are all it matters is that you get creative and you get out there to promote yourself. 

Happy Instagraming!  


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