Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mom, College Girl, Blogger, and Full Time Employee..The Balancing life of a Single Mom.

Some will say this is a bragging post, by no means do I mean anything I say here as bragging - I only intend to inspire........

One of the reasons I am so busy......
I just hit submit on my first final exam for this semester, finished proofing three freelance articles, edited a few photos, published a blurb on car safety, and am now getting ready to head off to my real job.

 Life is busy here in my house, I am blessed to have a few extra set of hands that help me greatly, but life is still so busy - but busy is good.  

Many of you know I work a full time job that kind of isolates me, I am a non-traditional college girl, I have 2 of the most wonderfully rotten (that's loving terms) children, I do freelance doing social media work for companies, and I still manage to occasionally post on my blog.

Daily I get asked "Becky, how do you do it all?" - well the answer is easy!

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13(KJV)

We are not meant to be still, we are meant to work, thrive, and produce - in our own lives and for God. 

Every morning I wake up and I first thank God for all my blessings, I name the wonderful people in my life, I ask him to cover them with his protection, and give them bountiful blessings.   I then ask God to direct me in whatever task he wants me to do - I am at his mercy - my brain, my body, my
One of the other reasons I am busy!  
hands, and my life is at his disposal - I will do his work.  

I know in my heart God will not lay on me more than I can handle and even in the worst of moments I must keep him close.  

There are days that the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, there are days that I have no idea why he is pointing me in that direction, there are moments I question why he has blessed me with such amazing people and such a wonderful.......but he is Lord and he knows the answers. 

Now to my point (sorry I ramble): 

Last week a young woman who sees me almost daily, knows some of my habits, asked me "Becky, why do you smile such, you look at peace - I know your life is crazy, I know you juggle a million things, and you should be stressed, but you are not"  

She is right - I feel very little stress - years ago I would lay in bed at night and fret about how we would pay the electric bill, where would I find the time to clean house, who would watch my kids while I went to the doctor - ya know all those silly little things that really don't matter.   

Then one morning I woke up out of a sleep and told myself this is just crazy - I am not living for God, I am living for myself - that is why I am worried.   When I put my all for him; he will take care of me and those I love. 

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me
 John 14:1 (KJV)

I cannot tell you that everything goes my way - last week I got socked with a $300 dentist bill I did not expect - but I can tell you that I feel better, things work out in the end, and I am happier.    

Those little things that burden you, give them to God!  Start your day thanking him for all your blessings (you have them or you wouldn't be breathing) ask him to protect those you love (even those you don't always love), and tell him use you for whatever he needs you to do - then believe and you will feel the peace.  

 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.  Peter 4:10(NKJV)


  1. Dear Becky,
    This morning i read thro many of your blog posts - tearfully thro much I might add. Thank you for your candor, your truths and letting me read your words of faith. It was a site I much needed to come to today ... perhaps a God thing and another reminder of renewing my faith in Him, and trusting in Him a little more.
    Your post about your dreams is beautiful ... I have a feeling you will see much of it come to fruition. So lovely to meet you so early this Friday morning, coffee in my hands .. your uplifting words on my screen. Thank you - blessings xxxx

    1. Thank you so much for your comments this morning! God is so good all the time! Bless you and thank you for reading! :-)


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