Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We say Grace

Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, I hear “there is something happening in the community, what is it?”  Well, We say Grace, is what is happening.

This past weekend I made a trip to the Patton Saddle Club for the Patton Lions Club’s Cheese Fries and the fast lawnmowers of the Patton Lawnmower Racing.  It’s a family event and a local favorite for my family.

While I might have only been there for cheese fries and fast lawnmowers, it was a touching event, not only because they honored a Bollinger County Champion, Bill Fulton, but because they practiced the American traditions that many of us hold close to heart.

Just moments before the racers took the track the crowd stood and a local young lady sang the beautiful lyrics to our National Anthem, it was enough to bring tears to your eyes as you stared at the flag above the race track.   Then we all bowed our heads and prayed for the racers, the community, and thanked God for the opportunities he gives us.  We said Grace.

In the past four years as a community leader and active citizen of the community I have watched a change not just in the structures of our community, but the people in our community.

I have seen a shift in the activism in our community, I have seen community members step up and step out to do great things out of the love for our county and our residents.  I have seen our local athletes make the brave act of taking a knee before a game and praying God’s blessings over their team and their opponents.  I have seen students choose church over parties and God over lust.  I have seen community leaders, elected officials, and community events pause and pray together before they begin.

These are the changes happening in our community.  This is where the good is coming from.

Some may say this is a new wave, some may say this is a step back to the 1950’s, but I say this is what happens when We say Grace.

(This is a copy of this week’s column that I write The Banner Press, I encourage you to support our local paper)


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