Sunday, June 24, 2018

Bittersweet of Chaos and an Unexpected Change of Plans

Over the past two months I have been bracing myself to be traveling a large part of the summer for
work.  Two Friday's past just hours before the end of the work day and two days before I left for my
first work trip I received notice that my trip was cancelled and they were unsure about the rest of my work trips for the summer - the following Wednesday I was informed those trips were also cancelled with no notice of when they would be rescheduled.

Knowing the juggling act I had performed making arrangements for myself, my family, and those that depend on me - I became angry.  I sulked, I spouted off negative comments, and I was frustrated at the situation.  Yes, not traveling would be more convenient for me, but I prefer my life organized, so I was bitter.  

Today, in the ladies restroom at church, a wise woman that has taken special interest in my life asked about the upcoming chaos of the travel I had been preparing for - as I explained that everything had been cancelled and I was unsure when or if it would be scheduled - she could hear the frustration in my voice (it was still there).  She said "Ya know, God has a better appointment for you this week, you just watch and see".

I have no clue what God has in store for me this week, but those words were a sweet reminder that he is still in control of my life work trip or not.  

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