Saturday, January 2, 2016

Taking God with you in ALL Walks of Life...

As Christians, we often think that we need some well written testimony that will blow away even the most intelligent - this would be why you have never seen me stand up and give my testimony or pray in front of others.

However, I have learned the best testimony can give is just taking God everywhere you go. 

This past week, God showed me this to be truth.  

A young man noticed that my engagement ring was not a diamond, it was a ruby.  So he asked me "why is your ring red?" I replied Proverbs 31:10 
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."  The look on his face was bewildered. 

The next day this same young man asked me about a Bible - he needed a new one.  I gave him the best answer I could

Two days later I was walking with this young man and his buddy and he said to me "I have been reading my Bible and I have got to get my life right, I know part of my problem is my friends, girlfriends, and the people I am around.  I am gonna keep reading and change my life"  

I wished the young man the best and went on my way.  

This simple situation showed me that I don't have to be the most educated, well spoken, all I have to do is be me and take God with me! 

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