Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Behind my lense in Marble Hill, Missouri

So by now many of my friends have noticed, I am working on the City of Marble Hill and Visit Bollinger County's Facebook Pages.  I have always wanted to spend my day wandering around my hometown with my camera, but never found an excuse to do this....Today I had the excuse, I need photos for their pages.

I thought I knew everything about Marble Hill, or what there was to see, but to my own reality I am as clueless as any other visitor....Seriously folks I found some real jewels, that even stumped me!

Bollinger County Courthouse
To say that I have never actually read the sign about Marble Hill in front of the Bollinger County Courthouse would probably shock you, what is worse, today was the first time I have ever even noticed the sign that explains our deep history.  Sigh....this is almost embarrassing for me! 

Alma Fisher School Building
I have always seen the little red building sitting behind the old Massey Log Home, but honestly have never paid any attention to it.  Did you know that Alma Fisher School is setup to look as school would have looked 100 years ago....I am sad that I have never visited this place before!  

Holly's Where you find your Wear
Now I have visited Holly's Where to Find Your Wear before, but never with my camera....When flipping through my pictures, this photo caught my eye.  I had to remind myself that I was in Marble Hill, I had not visited a big city!

Jer's Restaurant
I stopped in at Jer's home of the mile high pie and I met one of their everyday patrons...she was just a charm and a doll to let me photograph her.  She spends her morning, doing the Lord's work, she writes Bible verses on the papers and leaves them for others to read.  Her charm, her zest for life, and her happiness made my day seem priceless.  

The Trading Post 

I laughed when I first saw this couch, as my mother use to have one just like it, then Heather Mize with The Trading Post showed me this Royal Oak couch was actually manufactured at Royal Oak Furniture Manufacturing Inc Industrial Park in Lutesville, MO.  As many know years ago (like 20 or so) Marble Hill and Lutesville, MO were known as the "Twin Cities" and then they technically this couch was made in Marble Hill like 40 or so years ago.  Classic! 

Deb's Awesome Pizza 

 Okay, so it was near impossible to shoot this photo without taking a bite out of this burger (this chick likes to eat).  I found this burger at Deb's Awesome Pizza in Marble Hill....I wish I could share how awesome this burger smelled with you!.....sigh, I am hungry! 


Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Becky my first new set of furniture was from Royal Oak and it was made there in Lutesville and it was when you and Jessie were babies, so now quite 40 years ago but more like 30 plus a few! I don't think the factory existed 40 years ago, but I could be wrong.

    1. You are correct...not quite 40 yet. they were established around 1977, but not sure what year they actually came to Marble Hill.... :-)

  2. It is so much fun to explore and play tourist in your own town!


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