Saturday, March 16, 2013

10 Blessings of Moving

I think we will just call this place HOME!  #m...
I think we will just call this place HOME!
We are MOVED...yes, we are now residing back home on my Dad's farm!  While, I say we are moved, we have boxes stacked everywhere and I am not sure where my clothes for tomorrow are, but we have a bed and clean sheets!

Today, I was reminded all over again of all the special blessings in my life.  I know God is gently reminding me that while this storm (my marriage ending) is rough, I have been blessed more than I will ever know!

1.  My Family - when in need my family is there to help, pray, and give motivation!

2.  Friends - my amazing friends that covered us in prayer, did some heavy lifting, or helped entertain kids...YOU ALL ROCK!

3.  COFFEE - Dear Lord, thank you for all the Coffee Bean Farmers!

4.  Hot shower - yes it was the most amazing feeling tonight to take a steamy hot shower!

5.  Purina Protein Tubs - Blog post coming soon to explain this!

6.  Comfy Shoes - oh the relief of my sore feet!

7.  Laughter - many laughs today as we packed, moved, and giggled at others expense.

8.  Ice - it seemed cool today, but ice cold drinks tasted so good!

9.  Unorganized Stuff - it is fun to find tomato soup in my sock drawer....packing can be fun!

10.  God's Guidance - this week has been trying, exhausting, heartbreaking, but no matter where I turned, the pain I felt, I knew I had God on my side!

God Bless you all, thank you for all your prayers, and Good Night!

Becky, Lesse, & D- man  (aka FARMERS)
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