Monday, January 2, 2012

Winter Hike at Millstream Gardens Conservation Area

Wow, was this past weekend a bit of a tease or what? With way above average temperatures and two kiddos fighting a severe case of “cabin” fever, Ryan and I decided it was time to hit the hiking trails.
We had intended to visit Elephant Rock State Park, but after a few detours, we ended up at a place called Millstream Garden Conservation Area. There is no disappointment in my voice, Millstream Gardens is a little piece of Heaven here on Earth…yes it was splendid.
Normally I refuse to hike any trails that I have not “preapproved” for fear of how difficult it might be half- way in. To my relief Millstream Gardens is much like Mingo, Cape Girardeau Nature Centers Trails, and Elephant Rock State Park’s trail….kid friendly and mother approved. With a paved trail for a good deal of ways, plenty of resting points, and nice flat area for kiddos to run a head we had one amazing afternoon.Continue here to finish reading

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