Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Adventure Bucket List

As my birthday is approaching quickly and I know that this will be the last year to say that I am "twenty-something" and my youthfulness is slipping away quickly I have decided that I will be making my adventure bucket list!  I may add to this, so this will not be my final copy and I may never have a final copy!  

The List

- I would like to go on a real hunting trip, not a snipe hunting trip, but a real hunting trip!  I want to know what all the excitement is about!  I would never be able to shoot one of those beautiful animals (I think), but would like to experience hunting from a hunters point of view!  

-I would like to ride in a helicopter or small plane and not to the hospital either!  I would like to take a ride somewhere local and see our area from above.  I have flown to Las Vegas and other places, but it can't be the same as flying over the area you are from and looking down and seeing places you recognize!  

-I would like to ride on a boat!  A BIG BOAT!  Ryan and I have a john boat and we have canoed several times (he is not to good with the boats and has flipped me every time)  I don't care about going on a cruise or anything special, just ride on a boat up the river or something! 

-I would like to take a ferry ride, I have begged Ryan several time to do this and he is not much for the ferry ride, so I will do it without him!  Sorry Ryan your loss!  

-I want to take Celesse & Dillard to the top of the Arch, I have never done that and have recently came over my fear of heights!
-I want to ride a jet ski, I have rode 4 wheelers, motorcycles, dirt bikes, tractors, big trucks, but never a jet ski! 

I know there are many more things that I may add to my list as I discover new adventures!


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