Monday, May 12, 2014

Canon EOS Rebel T3 versus Panasonic DMC - ZS40

(Disclosure :  I have been given the Panasonic Lumix ZS40 for review, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own)

Everyone knows how in love I am with my camera, or at least photography.  I never leave my house without
Shot with Panasonic Lumix ZS40
at least one camera in hand - you just never know when you are going to have photography emergency.

I have preached, persuaded, and bragged on my Canon Rebel EOS T3 for years.  I have convinced most of my friends to switch to Canon cameras, and I am a true believer in their product and would only use Canon.

Until now....

Recently I was given the new Panasonic Lumix ZS40 to test.  At first I laughed, but not moments after getting my hands on the camera, I was in love.  So in love that I actually left my big Canon camera at home on my last trip and took only the Panasonic ZS40 with me, and I did not regret it.

I am not camera guru, I am a photograph lover.  I think my images that I shoot should look like something I would hang on my wall.  I don't have time to spend hours editing photos, cropping out nonsense, and cleaning up the image.  I want to point, shoot, and go.  

The Panasonic Lumix ZS40 really does come with a lot of extra features, but the features are easy to use and on the camera...this saves me tons of editing time.

Example of editing features:

Normally I would not take a picture of a trash can, but this after all The Disney Boardwalk, and I thought I would mention how "green" Disney is.  Then after shooting this blah, okay, standard picture of the this trash can.

I flipped over to the artistic feature in my camera - note I forgot to mention, you can edit the pictures after you shoot them, but before you upload them - and chose to use the One Color Feature.  Now I can not only say that Disney is very green, but they also have stunning trash cans, thanks to my photography skills. 

After within camera edit

Now the most jaw dropping feature of the camera, is the fact that the Panasonic ZS40 WiFi sinks to my iPhone.  

As you know I am constantly on the go and I will shoot some pretty awesome photos, but then I have to wait until I get home, kick on the computer, and then upload them to my computer, so I can share.  

Not no more, I can now sink my camera to my phone and share my photos instantly anywhere I want to, rather it be my social networks, email them, or even text them to someone.  This feature alone has made my social media accounts look amazing!  

I can instantly share photos like this over my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.....who else can instantly do that?  

After learning a few or most of the features of my Panasonic ZS40, several people asked my how does it compare to an SLR?  I am going to leave that judgement up to you.  Here is 2 unedited photos of my dog laying in the yard.  I have labeled which photo is which and you can be the judge as to which camera shoots the best image. 

Shot with Panasonic ZS40

Shot with Canon Rebel T3


  1. ahhhh tough... I think the colors are slightly more 'brilliant' with the Canon? But I am DIGGING the supah zoom on the #lumixlounge ZS40 and I think his eyes pop a little better with the Panasonic?? Instant upload to your phone/instagram/facebook kind of breaks that tie though eh?? :)

    1. The video quality is amazing also! I cannot shoot as long of videos with my Canon as I can with the Panasonic. I am going to highlight that a bit later, but here as peak of a video I shot with it.

    2. I feel the color is more saturated with the #TMOM Panasonic #lumixlounge ZS40 then the Canon

  2. I shot a video recently at my kids concert and then took a picture while shooting. The picture is gorgeous and means more to me than the video now. Nice not having to choose and getting to do both at once.

    1. Is that not FABULOUS. I love that I don't have to carry all the lens, extra stuff, and I can control it from my phone!!!


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