Monday, June 17, 2013

Gal Pal Road Trip Summer 2013: Riversong Spa in Jefferson City, MO

Jessie & I at the Missouri Capitol Building
What is a gal pal road trip without a trip to the spa?  In my book that is nearly impossible!  My gal pal Jessie and I have made it an annual tradition to go have a gal pal road trip each summer!  This year we road tripped to Jefferson City, Missouri.  I have so much to share, but today as I glanced down at my still perfectly manicured feet I had to share my experience at Riversong Spa….

I am probably the world worst person about taking care of my feet; I am constantly wearing flip flops, mud boots, and messing around in my garden in sandals….needless to say my feet are GROSS.   Not to mention I was traveling and walking the streets of Jefferson City, to be frank about it I felt bad for the girl giving me a pedicure! 

Being that I am not “good” on my feet they folks at Riversong Spa had decided to give me what they call an Aloe Herbal Treatment Pedicure.  Now I have had plenty of pedicures, mostly because Jessie gets annoyed at me and decides it’s time for me to have some girly treatment on my feet, but I have never had a pedicure like an Aloe Herbal Treatment Pedicure.  

Foot Wrap at Riversong Spa
The manicurist explained to me that this pedicure sucks the toxins, illnesses, and junk right out of your feet.  She also explained the herbs in the mixture is healing…..after sitting in the chair having my feet cleaned, groomed, and wrapped in plastic and warm towels I am not sure what toxins they pulled out of my feet.   The mixture smelled similar to Bath and Body’s Menthol wash, but had a more feminine feeling to it.  To be completely honest (and I am not exaggerating one bit) I could have sat in their chair all day with that stuff covering my feet…I seriously thought (or my feet did) that I was in HEAVEN.     

While my pedicure was a little piece of heaven here on earth, I have to say the staff of Riversong Spa was truly angels here on earth.  Not only because of their excellent pedicure, but for their customer service, as someone who travels a lot, it is hard sometimes to find great customer service, especially when you have nasty old feet like mine.   The spa was clean, friendly, relaxing, and yet still fun….I always fear I will walk into a place that will be to “upscale” for me, but Riversong Spa was perfect and a place I would visit with my gal pal, my mom, and would even feel comfortable enough to drag my 9 year old Lesse in there!  

Happy Adventures,


Becky is the Missouri Traveling Mom, her blog site is Adventures Among Us. She not only shares a unique passion for traveling with her family, but traveling in Missouri. For more of Becky’s adventures find her on facebook Adventures Among Us, or follow her on Twitter @BeckyAdventure. 

Disclosure:  My visit to Riversong Spa was sponsored by TBG, but all thoughts and opinions are my own! 
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