Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy after Valentine's Day Weekend

Well we are suppose to believe that the Love that was in the air has bloomed, and we are floating on cloud whatever full of ideas of what to do the weekend after that Big V-day. Right! Nope, I do not think so....Ironically we spend so much time focusing on what to do that special day that we forget what to do the weekend after.
Well, maybe not everyone, but this time of the year I fight the winter blues something fierce. Fortunately, for me and me signing up for all those random e-blast, newsletters, and event alerts those kind folks that want me to come to their events keep me knowledgeable!
This weekend like many others in Southeast Missouri is jammed packed full of fun, I mean we are just a hip group of people around here!
A few of my favorites and some that I have PRAYED would be happening in this area are!   
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