Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Expedia.com & La Quinta Hotels to the RESCUE

Inevitably, we all get those dreaded family emergency phone calls and as many of you have read, I had that dreaded phone call last week.  That dreaded phone call brought on the challenge of arranging travel, lodging, and transportation for eight people in less than twenty-four hours.   
Normally I travel with just my entourage, but this time my adorable entourage was left behind and my travel plans included all three of my siblings, their families, and my senior citizen parents.  I will say now Mommies that are afraid to travel with little ones, traveling, as an adult with your parents is triple the challenge…but I survived. 

Reservations, I usually have my reservations weeks in advance for a trip, but this time that was not an options, so I hopped on my favorite reservation website Expedia.com to search for hotels.  Just as I begin to search hotels in Nacogdoches, TX my phone rings, it is my sister calling to bring on more bad news.  Just my luck it is HOMECOMING week at Stephen Austin State University and hotels rooms are slim picking. 

I took my sister’s advice and called the Best Western that she was able to book...they had a minimum number of  nights policy.  I totally understood, but I was traveling with eight other people and footing the bill on my own.  Back to Expedia.com I went, clicked over to La Quinta Inn of Nacogdoches, success I got my rooms booked and $10 cheaper (a night) than the hotel down the street that was going to force me stay extra nights.  What a RELIEF that was for me! 
After a ten and half hour drive, we rolled into Nacogdoches at 2 pm Friday afternoon and with check in normally being 3 pm, I thought just possibly I might be able to slip in a bit early and allow my very patient Dad to rest before we had to arrive where we needed to be.  A BIG THANK YOU to La Quinta Inn of Nacogdoches, TX for your “southern hospitality” I phoned and the kind clerks told me just come on in and they would make arrangements for us to get into our rooms. 
As I walked into the La Quinta Inn the kind clerk saw Pops (my dad)  standing behind me with his cane in tow, and asked me if I would like to switch to an handicap accessible room....YES, was the only thing that would come out of my mouth! Another HUGE RELIEF!    I cannot give them bigger 2-THUMBS UP, because as I said traveling with the “old folks” is much harder than I ever imagined and they made it much easier than I feared! 
Our trip to Nacogdoches, Texas was no pleasure trip by all means, but I thought I would take a moment to share with you all the excellent service we received at the La Quinta Inn and Expedia.com.  I do highly suggest both services if you want to save money, time, and want to receive excellent service. 


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