Thursday, July 28, 2011

Leopold Picnic & Jackson Homecomers

Yes it is that time of year again; Jackson Homecomers and Leopold Picnic.  This should be a tough decision for you all…fun rides or the yummy chicken n dumplings. 
The Leopold Picnic held at the school grounds draws a crowd from all around and serves as an annual fundraiser for the church.  I am sad this year that the Leopold Picnic overlaps other plans this year; I look forward all year long to eating the Chicken N Dumplings!  Yes, my husband and I drive all to Leopold right through “NUT” junction just to eat the Chicken N Dumplings! 
The Picnic is held pretty much all afternoon Saturday July 30th , probably best time to go is around 5pm, but don’t be discouraged by the dinner line there will be plenty to go around!  For all my Leopold friends that really love me you could save me some Chicken N Dumplings…..I would not mind at all! 
Jackson Homecomers is also going on right uptown Jackson, MO with special events every night.  Rides open at 6pm nightly, lots of food especially the yummy funnel cakes, and great entertainment on the courthouse lawn!  Just arrive uptown Jackson and you will not miss the action and fun…to see a complete schedule of events visit their website.
It is hard to believe that we have already hit picnic and fair season, seems this summer has flown by and we soon will be back to school. 
Have a great weekend!

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